AE v1.1.0 includes a number of improvements on user experience, application-wide input validation and bug fixes, which all contribute to a more stable application. We also bumped Corda platform version to Corda 4.5.
UX Improvements
In v1.1.0, we introduce light/dark UI themes, which can be toggled on the top-right panel.
Corporate Portal
On Corporate portal, users can navigate through the sub-menus in the new sidebar design. The application list under a trade package contains new information of the statuses and records are ordered by their significance (actionable > recently updated > declined/rejected).
Error Handling
We have reviewed the common errors users would encounter, gracefully handled and displayed messages through pop-ups. In case an user has “no permission” to access a page, or has entered a unknown page, i.e., “page not found”, an error page would show.
Minor Currency Unit
Calculations and display of currencies also respect the minor currency unit specified by ISO 4217 now, e.g., the minimum value of Japanese yen is 0.001, we therefore display and calculate from “100.001 JPY” instead of “100.00 JPY” (as we used to do).
Input Validation
Now weak user passwords are prohibited on AE. Password must at least:
- Contain more than 8 characters;
- Contain at least one uppercase letter;
- Contain at least one lowercase letter; and
- Contain at least one special character, e.g., !@#$%.
Usernames have to be alpha-numeric, and be of 6-20 characters.
Attachments to one trade record or financing application are also restricted to have a total size of 5MB.