Congratulations to our partner Hong Kong Federation of Insurers (HKFI) on winning the prestigious Fintech Initiative Award for MIDAS at the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Fintech Initiative Award jointly organized by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority and the Shenzhen Municipal Financial Regulatory Bureau. More here.
祝賀我們的合作夥伴香港保險業聯會(「保聯」)在由香港金融管理局和深圳市地方金融監督管理局聯合舉辦的「深港科技創新獎」中,為 MIDAS 奪得「金融科技專項獎三等獎」。了解詳情
TECH | 產品及技術
Atlas Elite Use Cases | Atlas Elite 使用案例
Atlas Elite is an open account trade finance DLT platform that supports trade finance solutions, such as receivables and payables financing, allowing financiers and corporates to connect with their clients whom they have previously established a relationship with. Read the use cases here.
Atlas Elite 是一個使用區塊鏈技術開發的記帳交易貿易融資解決方案,提供應收賬款和應付賬款融資等金融工具。金融機構和企業用戶可透過 Atlas Elite 在平台上直接開展業務。 點擊這裡閱讀 「Atlas Elite 使用案例」。
BLOG | 博客
Being close to our customers, partners and the ecosystem is crucial for us at CryptoBLK in order to develop successful and sustainable Blockchain solutions. We are excited to kick-start the new Blog in the year 2021 with the goal to deliver thought-provoking impulses and insights into exciting projects, and how we collaborate with our partners and customers to make a positive impact on the industry.
了解我們的客戶,與合作夥伴和金融科技生態圈保持緊密聯繫,對 CryptoBLK 開發成功且可持續的區塊鏈解決方案至關重要。 我們很興奮地宣布在 2021 年啟動全新「博客」平台,目的是分享我們對市場的見解和團隊參與過的令人振奮的項目的洞見,以及我們如何與合作夥伴和客戶進行創新合作,並在推動行業的發展中起到哪些積極影響。
![]() In the new edition of Innovate Together Talk, we are honored to have Mr. S.K. Li, Director and CEO of Sompo Insurance (Hong Kong) who shares his views on the digital transformation in Hong Kong’s insurance and how MIDAS creates competitive advantages for Sompo. Read the full interview here. 在本期的「齊來創新」中,我們很榮幸邀請到日產財產保險(香港)有限公司董事兼行政總裁李相健先生,分享他對香港保險業數字化轉型的看法以及 MIDAS 如何為日本財產保險創造競爭性優勢。在這裡閱讀完整的採訪。
We are delighted to launch the Innovate Trade Talk series, where we will have our partners share their thoughts on the partnership with CryptoBLK and the integration with Atlas Elite. In the first edition, we have invited CargoX’s Founder and CEO Mr. Stefan Kukman, who shares their ambitions on disrupting cargo shipping, logistics, and supply chain management with the potential of blockchain, and how they see the partnership with CryptoBLK. Read the full interview here 我們也推出了「貿易創新訪談」系列,目的是讓我們的合作夥伴分享為何選擇 CryptoBLK,以及他們與 Atlas Elite 集成後對其業務產生的積極影響。我們很榮幸地邀請到 CargoX 的創始人兼首席執行官 Stefan Kukman 先生作為本期嘉賓,他認為區塊鏈技術可以創新貨運、物流和供應鏈管理的產業,並期待與 CryptoBLK 的合作關能推動業務的發展。在這裡閱讀完整的採訪。 |
IN THE NEWS | 媒體報導
- What The Fintech has interviewed our CEO Duncan Wong who introduces the use cases in trade finance, CBDC, insurance, and how our flagship monitoring system helps ensure the healthiness of all these blockchain applications in CryptoBLK. Check out the video here.
- Ledger Insights: Blockchain, AI insurtech TrustLayer raises $6.6 million seed round
- The Paypers: Stellar signs deal with Ukraine to work on CBDC, stablecoins, and virtual asset infrastructure
- Ledger Insights: Crossborder CBDC, DLT projects planned by central bank innovation hub
- Bitcoin Ethereum News: Central Bank Digital Currency Garners Top Priority
- Cryptodaily: BIS innovation hub outlines roadmap for CBDCs
- Espeed e-news: Stellar to work with Ukraine on blockchain-based central bank digital currency – Ledger Insights
JOIN US | 招賢納士
Want to change the world in the Blockchain space? We are looking for talented individuals to re-architect the way the world economy operates, who are based in, or are willing to relocate to Hong Kong, Taiwan, Malaysia or Bangkok. Check out our job openings here.
想在區塊鏈領域的進行創新、大顯身手? 我們正在尋找有才華的人士透過新興技術來重塑世界經濟的運作方式。如果您正在香港、台灣、馬來西亞或曼谷尋找機會,歡迎加入我們!點擊這裡查看我們的職位空缺。