AE v2.0.0 includes enhancments on Login and Password Management, User Settings and Management, Smart Agreement and SA drawdown.
Login and Password Management
Users are now able to reset/recover passwords and usernames through their registered email address (forget password/forget username).
User Settings
We have split an user’s display name into first name and last name and have developed a new layout of edit profile page. Functionalities include:
- View my own user profile
- Edit my own user profile
- Change password
User management
New layouts for admin to manage users are added. Functionalities include:
- Admin creates user
- Admin deactivates user
- Admin updates company profile
Smart Agreement
Users can now apply financing through an agreement with predefined credit limit in order to shorten transaction time. Functionalities include:
- Create/Negotiate/Accept a smart agreement
- Call-to-action (CTA) for smart agreement
When apply financing through a smart agreement, it is a “Drawdown”.
- Select drawdown when applying for financing
- Preview smart agreement when filling in terms for financing